Futureproof: Enhancing the Whole Home Living Experience

What makes a home futureproof? Is it having a modern-style architecture or is it having high-end appliances?

There are a myriad of ways to futureproof your home. If you look at the current housing trends, then you’ll see that the homes of the future look smarter than they appear. The newest generation of homes are built with technology and sustainability in mind. As real estate investment persists—even in second-tier cities—so too shall new home technology, says a 2020 housing trends forecast.

With that said, here are important housing trends that can improve your current way of living.

Sustainability from the Ground Up

Eco-friendliness isn’t just a fad; it’s a need. According to the World Health Organization, a well-designed house opens many doors for the homeowners. From energy efficiency to healthy living environment, sustainability is a gift that keeps on giving—for so little it asks for. Some ways you can make your home green include using recycled materials, installing SunPower solar panels to reduce your energy needs or recycling water in your home for nonpotable use.

Even strategic architecture can create a sustainable living environment for you. For example, having a home where a lot of natural light seeps through can lower your energy spending. The same goes for adding proper ventilation; you’ll spend less for cooling or warming your place if the house itself is properly insulated and air flows smoothly from room to room.

The Future is Smart

smart home

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a lot of things—novelty is no longer one of them. Technology has further evolved to make almost every facet of home living connected and interrelated. From your average smartphone to sensors installed at home, simple living becomes more automated, digital and streamlined. For example, if you installed some smart light bulbs in your home, you can change their brightness levels and color to set the mood using your phone. You can also install smart thermostats that automatically adjust the room’s temperature depending on the number of people in it.

IoT creates an opportunity for an efficient, technologically savvy and environmentally friendly way of living, according to techUK’s Matthew Evans in an interview with WIRED magazine. “IoT offers us opportunity to be more efficient in how we do things, saving us time, money and often emissions in the process,” Evans said. From homes to industrial applications, IoT simply improves people’s way of living.

Accessibility and Adaptability is Key

A home’s ability to change and adapt is what makes it futureproof. You wouldn’t want to have to walk countless flights of stairs just to get to your room. Typically, when people consider doing home renovation, they’re thinking how to make it more hip, more in—without considering their hip or the room they’re in.

Make everything easy for you—whether you’re still living in your prime or in your twilight days. Create home changes with accessibility in mind. This can come from replacing doorknobs with the easier lever handles or adding grip bars on some places. You can also widen your corridors and doorframes for better access.

Future proofing requires not only efficient and effective technologies, but also accessibility and adaptability in mind. Making your home livable for everyone and for years to come increases its value.

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