Packing Your Bags — and Boxes — the Right Way

woman pushing boxes

If you’re moving to Fort Lauderdale, FL, finding a moving company to help you is relatively easy. Packing, however, can be a bit of a hassle, especially when you have tons of stuff. But don’t stress out. With several boxes, masking tape, colored paper, and a binder, you can pack all your things in no time.

Keep Things Organized with a Packing Strategy

A room-by-room packing system for moving will organize your belongings. This way, you’ll be sure you won’t leave anything behind in your soon-to-be former home. A packing strategy will help you choose the right rooms and closets to deal with first before you move to your new address.

Start with the rooms that have non-essentials, like items you won’t need in the weeks leading up to your move. You can begin with the guest bedroom, the bathroom, playroom, storage closet, and seasonal clothing in your wardrobe.

Then, create a list of all the labels for the boxes you will use. You can label each box per room or per item. What you choose will depend on what will be easier for you. For instance, you can have a box labeled “pots and pans” instead of just “kitchen stuff.”

A label maker can help speed up the process. But if you don’t have one, you can write the labels on masking tape and just stick them onto each box.

Label and Color Every Bag and Box

labeled box

Keep track of your belongings by labeling and color-coding the boxes. Numbers and colors will help you locate a box you need and identify what it contains. This will prevent you from rummaging through stacks of boxes once you’re in your new home.

Numbering the boxes or color-coding them will help you locate a room. You can opt for whichever strategy is easier for you.

For instance, if you choose to number the boxes, label them as “Room: Toiletries.” It’s one way to categorize every label for each box.

But if you opt for a color-coded scheme, you can use several colors based on the number of rooms you have. You can use orange for your dining room, followed by the materials you have, like plates and cutlery.

Color-coding is a helpful tool because, as research explains, it helps in improving immediate comprehension. This is because the human brain often processes color before anything else.

Numbering and color-coding are your two friendly systems when moving. Just choose which system makes you more efficient when packing.

Packing Ahead of Time Pays Off

A packing to-do list isn’t complete without a timeline. If you plan on organizing your belongings, put a deadline on each room to reduce the stress of packing.

Alarms and reminders using your phone or sticky notes on the wall will help you keep tabs on which room should be done by now. Schedule each room according to how often you will use the items in that space.

Schedule a date for the moving company to pick up packed bags and boxes. Set your packing timeline at least a month or weeks before the moving date to free your mind from the pressure of packing.

About 900 people move to Florida every day. It’s not surprising because the Sunshine State is a popular place to call home, so it gets pretty busy. Get organize with your move with a packing strategy, and you’ll reach your new home with as little stress as possible.

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