Ready Your Home for Your First Born

If there’s a highlight in a parent’s life, bringing their firstborn child into this world is on top of that list. It’s such a momentous event in any person’s life, and a lot of attention is poured out into this milestone.

For one, King Henry VIII (1491–1547) sought a male heir to the throne. Unable to produce one with his wife, Catherine of Aragon, England’s radical ruler proceeded to find other women to that achieve that end. In his quest, he ended up marrying six wives, not to mention founding the Church of England after being excommunicated by the pope.

Most of us won’t wield as much power. Nevertheless, we cherish our firstborn no matter the gender. Thanks to modern technology, we can even know the sex of the child before childbirth. What’s more, in vitro fertilization allows us to choose the gender of the child with 99% accuracy. It’s unbelievable, but it’s a proven-and-tested process.

However, you must never forget the essentials. What should occupy your mind is how to get your precious home ready for your baby. It may sound simple, but many new parents do not know where to start. The best way to go about this is by counter-checking. Learn how you can do this with our checklist below.

Plan a Move Way in Advance

It’s hard for you to take care of a newborn if you’ve just settled into a new home. You really put your infant at great risk if you haven’t even cleaned the house. Take note that safety and health are primary considerations in an infant’s development.

For one, a safe setting means infants have a healthy space to explore as freely as possible. Thus, if you plan to move to a new house or a new rental space, make sure you do this well in advance before the baby’s actual delivery date.

For anyone, settling into a new house can take some time. Indeed, the process can be a long and winding road. Plus, it can surely cause a lot of stress. Without a doubt, things can certainly add up if you’re pregnant and expecting.

Now, if you have no choice and the family is expected to move in your last trimester, make sure the process goes as smoothly as possible. This way, it won’t have a detrimental effect on the baby. In this regard, you can have someone supervise the move.

parents holding baby's feet

Prep Ahead for Your Future Needs

Many who are expecting their firstborn would prepare the room and decorate the nursery with all sorts of trinkets. While getting a place for your baby is necessary, it should not be your sole focus. Take note that once the baby settles, he won’t even notice all the decor, as he will spend most of the time sleeping.

A good way to come up with a baby room is to think ahead — say, about five years ahead. Having a five-year plan can prevent you from having to redecorate your baby’s room each year.

Additionally, you should prepare for your baby’s needs. We’re talking about things like the nursery, crib mattresses, clothes, baby bathtubs, and toys. As a baby’s skin is still very sensitive and the wrong material could cause rashes and other skin infections, make sure you have non-toxic and safe baby gear. This is exactly why you need a significant amount of time reading baby product reviews. Taking into consideration what moms and dads before you think about a particular product is a great way for you to know if the item is suitable for your baby.

Batch Cook Before the Actual Birth 

One of the best pieces of advice anyone can get is about food. The period after you deliver your baby can be the most stressful time for you. Not only is giving birth a Herculean feat, but the responsibility to take care of the baby right from the onset is also overwhelming.

That’s exactly why batch cooking food well before your actual delivery date is a great solution. Know that you can always freeze food in bulk to make them last for a month or two. By doing so, you won’t have to worry about the need to shop and prepare food or cringe at the precious dollars you waste every time you order food.

Some of the best food you can store are soups, stews, curry, and pasta sauces.

Clear the Space

The best way for you to prepare your home is to clear space for your baby. For sure, there are a host of things that you’re keeping in the house that you actually won’t need when the baby comes.

Of course, for now, the priority is the baby’s needs. That means you should find another shelter for your CDs, bicycle, and other hobby equipment in the house.

Better yet, create a list of the things you need to put in your storage. As your firstborn occupies a big space in your heart, he or she should occupy a big room in your precious home, too.

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