Want to Have a Skin Like a Celeb’s? Here’s an Easy-to-follow Skincare Routine

When we look at photos of our favorite celebrities, one of the things we always wonder about is their skincare routine. How do they get such flawless and glowing complexion? How much do they spend?

Well, for a celebrity, skincare is a huge investment. They can spend over $500 for facials and high-end beauty products. So if we don’t have that much money, can we still achieve skin like theirs?

According to celebrity facialist Joanna Vargas, glowing skin isn’t reliant on skincare products alone. Your diet also plays a role on it, so if you can’t spend hundreds of dollars on your skin, just combine an affordable skincare routine with a healthy diet, and you’d finally have a radiant complexion just like your favorite celeb’s.

That said, here’s a low-maintenance skincare routine ladies and gents on-the-go can easily follow:

For Normal or Combination Skin

This skin type is free of noticeable issues, except on the T-zone and cheek area where the oil mostly gathers. Here’s an easy routine that reduces oiliness and collectively improves the skin:

  1. Cleanser – Choose a mild glycolic acid or gentle non-soap formula that will keep the moisture on your face, but effectively remove dirt and dead skin cells.
  2. Moisturizer – Go for an oil-free moisturizer with an SPF of at least 15.
  3. Night Cream – Apply retinol or alpha hydroxy acids on problem areas to keep your youthful glow.
  4. Mask – Once or twice a week, apply an oil-absorbing clay mask on your oiliest zones to deep-clean the pores.
  5. Toner – A toner helps in keeping oil at bay and lightening your skin. Choose an effective alcohol-free whitening face toner and watch your skin get lighter and more radiant in time.

For Oily Skin

Us who live in tropical countries probably share this problem. When you’re already looking like a glazed donut that’s been out of the fridge for hours, it’s time to adopt this routine:

  1. Cleanser – Choose products laced with salicylic acid, and use a power brush for deeper cleansing.
  2. Moisturizer – Moisture is still important for oily skin. Opt for an oil-free formula that has at least 15 SPF.
  3. Night Cream – Retinol night cream also works best for oily skin.
  4. Spot Treatment – Choose one with salicylic acid, and apply it only on the blemishes.

Woman putting product on her skin

For Dry Skin

Skin that lacks moisture may show signs of aging faster, so stick to this routine:

  1. Cleanser – Go for a rich, creamy formula.
  2. Moisturizer – Use a cream with a humectant, and a moisturizing sunscreen.
  3. Night Cream – Choose a retinoid product, which is a stronger form of retinol.
  4. Mask – Every week, use a hydrating mask you can remove with a washcloth instead of the peel-off type.
  5. Spot Treatment – Apply an anti-aging or scar treatment product on the problem areas to smooth out the creases.

Healthy Skin Diet

Smooth, glowing skin is an indication of a healthy diet, so if your face is riddled with blemishes, chances are you’re consuming an unhealthy diet.

Coffee, for example, may be a healthy antioxidant, but in excessive amounts, your skin could suffer. Joanna Vargas recommends replacing your afternoon coffee with green juice. Doing so can transform your skin within days, and improve your lymphatic drainage, decreasing puffiness.

Replace trans and saturated fats with healthy fats, especially those rich in Omega-3 acids. These include salmon, mackerel, sardines, and soybean. Omega-3 acids improve your skin’s ability to retain moisture, which is particularly beneficial for dry-skinned individuals.

By eating healthy and sticking to a skincare routine that works best for your skin type, you won’t be breaking the bank for flawless skin. Treat yourself every now and then for a facial as well because you deserve to feel like your fave celeb for improving your skincare game.

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