The Disadvantages of Overeating

Too much of anything is generally never good for anyone. As much as the human body needs the nutrients and other health benefits of eating, overeating has adverse effects, too.

Perhaps this has been brought about by habits or stress, either way, overeating is something most of us have been guilty of at one point in our life.

7 Disadvantages Brought about by Eating Too Much

1. Enlargement of stomach

We’re not just talking about an expanded waistline. Overeating expands the size of your stomach to accommodate a large amount of food intake. This means that it stretches beyond its normal size causing it to push against other organs in your body that lead to feeling uncomfortable, sluggish, and exhausted.

2. Takes its toll on your organs

Overeating puts too much pressure on your other organs as it forces them to work twice or thrice as hard to secrete enzymes and hormones to help break down the food you ate.

3. Dental and temporomandibular disorders

Eating too much frequently can also lead to a series of dental and oral problems. This eating disorder affects your temporomandibular joints (TMJ), the hinges that connect your jaw to our skull bone. TMJ treatment can help address it and relieve you of it but other oral and dental problems could present themselves as well, such as orofacial pain.

4. Greater chances of heartburns

The body produces hydrochloric acid to help break down food in your digestive system. Overeating tends to push this acid back up into your esophagus which results in heartburn. Overconsumption of food that is high in fat makes you more susceptible to it.

5. Feeling bloated

You know that uncomfortable feeling that you get when you overeat? That is caused by certain gases produced by the stomach whenever you overeat. This leads to feeling bloated and full which can sometimes affect your physical performance.

Healthy eating6. Weight gain and obesity

This one is pretty obvious. The more you eat, the more calories you consume. Normally, when you eat, your body utilizes some of the calories and converts them into energy. The rest is stored as fats which help insulate us and protect our vital organs.

However, if you overdo it, you run the risk of consuming a lot more calories than you can burn, especially if you’re not the active or athletic type. This could lead not just to weight-gain but obesity in the long run.

7. Gives you a hard time sleeping

Lastly, overeating can cause you to lose sleep and mess up your sleeping pattern. Your circadian clock causes hunger and sleep hormone levels in your body to rise and fall the whole day. Too much eating can upset this pattern which leads to insomnia and lack of sleep.

Do your best to avoid overeating to save yourself from these health risks. Eat sensibly and healthily throughout the day, being mindful of what and how much you put in your body. Control your portion sizes, too. You may want to visit a specialist if you’re already struggling with overeating. Your health is on the line. Do something about it.

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