Don’t Postpone a Root Canal Treatment

Woman about to go a root canal treatmentIf your dentist recommends a root canal procedure, it is best not to delay the treatment. Postponing it will do more harm than good, as it can only make aggravate the tooth’s swelling and infection. The pain, furthermore, will not get better on its own, while increasing the likelihood for the virus to spread to other teeth, as well as your sinuses and brain.

Lone Tree endodontists share why it is never a good idea to put off or delay the treatment:

  • Lingering infection. Hoping or praying won’t do so much in driving the infection away. The absence of pain in the affected tooth may cause you to believe that the infection has healed, but what it means is that the nerves in the tooth have died. You may not feel any pain, but it is still likely for the infection to stay and linger in your mouth. This can then spread to other areas of your mouth and body.
  • Dental and medical problems. The bacteria in the infected tooth can spread into your gums and jaw, which may lead to a dental abscess. This will then need immediate treatment to prevent bacterial infection and inflammation in other parts of the mouth and body. You should also note that severe inflammation may contribute to medical problems like increased risk of stroke.
  • Lost teeth. Postponing a root canal also means delaying your chances to save your teeth. This is because there are cases that a severe infection may require tooth extraction or oral surgery. This will need another procedure like an implant or a bridge to prevent the adjacent teeth from moving and throwing your smile’s overall alignment.

Worrying about the pain

Woman scared of the dental treatmentIf you’re like most patients, you may be putting off the treatment because you are worried that it would hurt a lot. This is not true, as what the treatment does is relieve pain, not cause it. The procedure also involves the use of numbing medicine to numb the affected tooth and surrounding areas. You may feel little to no pain during the treatment.

Discomfort and sensitivity are likely a few days after the treatment. Prescribed medications and over-the-counter pain relievers can help ease some discomfort. If the pain, however, doesn’t clear up a few days or goes back months or years after the treatment, this could indicate a new infection. You need to see your dentist right away if this happens.

The need for a dental crown

The infection in your teeth can make the enamel more brittle and weaker. A root canal treatment will remove the infection, but do note that it cannot help restore the strength of an already compromised tooth. You will need the help of a dental crown to restore and protect the tooth. This preserves the structural integrity of the tooth and prevents it from breaking or cracking.

Neglecting the problem long enough puts you at an increased risk of losing the tooth. This can then bring a host of other problems like increased risk of decay on other teeth, bite problems, gum disease, and more tooth loss. If you want to save yourself from other costly and painful dental problems, consult an endodontist about saving your tooth with a root canal treatment.

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