2019 Resolutions: Start a New Hobby This Year

Friends traveling together

It is the beginning of 2019! Everyone for sure is looking forward to a fresh start this year! Many people, hoping to start the year right, might already have come up with their New Year’s resolutions, such as to lose weight, exercise regularly, save more money, take on more challenging work, and travel to different places.

If you are one of those who made no resolutions yet, why not take up a new hobby this year? Just make a point to choose one that is not only fun but also worth your time. Here are some hobbies that you can start in 2019:

Something to Do with Nature

There are few things better at making one relaxed than doing something that involves nature. This year, you can try your hand at gardening and make better use of your empty lot. If you have a garden, you can get yourself a polycarbonate greenhouse like the ones found in Australia to grow climate-sensitive plants. To engage in more outdoorsy activities, go camping, fishing, or bird-watching trips as often as you can. Of course, you can always take a walk or sit on a bench in the local park every afternoon to enjoy the natural beauty around you.

Something to Do with Sports

Playing sports is enjoyable and healthy, so it is always good to engage in such activities. If you are into ball sports, you can join local clubs or leagues to play friendly games of netball, basketball, or tennis or compete in more highly organised tournaments of rugby, cricket, or soccer. There are also combat sports, such as boxing, wrestling or mixed martial arts; you can try to stay active and learn how to defend yourself at the same time. Cycling, which has already diversified into multiple disciplines like freestyle BMX, road bicycle racing, and cross-country mountain biking, is another sport that you can get into this year.

Something to Do with Art

Man at a studio taking a photo

Lastly, art can help you relieve stress and will surely get your creative juices flowing. For starters, you can buy adult colouring books this year and rediscover the fun of using crayons or coloured pencils to make images come alive. If you want to create the images yourself, however, then you should probably give drawing, sketching, or painting (oil, watercolour, pastel, etc.) a try. Additionally, handicrafts can be a great creative pursuit. Be it pottery, basket weaving, embroidery, papier–mâché, or any other type of craft; you will be able to make beautiful yet useful objects with your hands.

In the end, you can make taking up a new hobby one of your resolutions. In addition, you should consider starting one that has something to do with nature to help you relax, sports to help you stay active, or art to help you release stress. Whatever you choose, make sure that you will find the hobby fun and worthwhile. After all, you will be spending your free time in 2019 engaging in the activity. If you still feel uncertain, you can look for more recommendations online.

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