How Traveling Has Changed in the New Normal

The pandemic that’s left us indoors for the better part of a year is now slowly transitioning into the new normal. As economies begin to open up again, most people are looking to get back into the swing of things. The effects of the lockdown orders are still developing each day, though. Our behavioral patterns in terms of what we spend our money on, how we save, our eating habits, and even how we do our jobs have drastically changed.

The majority of us who were fortunate enough to keep our jobs transitioned to working from home. The work-from-home setup can cause a multitude of habits that, if not corrected, can lead to us burning out. Despite the state of our economies, we’ve seen increasing numbers of resignations.

Taking the time to develop better habits for our mental and physical health can help center us again. Prioritizing self-care and activities that help you decompress are essential. One of the most common post-pandemic wishes across the globe is to be able to travel again. Whether you’ve been traveling regularly before the pandemic or the time spent inside pushed you to want to explore new destinations, people are scrambling for the chance to visit new places.

Traveling after a pandemic doesn’t look anywhere near what it was prior, though. Health and safety protocols, business solutions, and a change in consumer behaviors have all affected how we travel in the new normal. Here are just some ways travel has changed after a global pandemic:


One of the most apparent changes to traveling has been the destinations people choose to visit. Health and safety protocols tend to change on a dime when it comes to international travel, so domestic travel has been the go-to as of late. Making the most out of local sites and creative Airbnb’s have been increasing in popularity as things open up more and more.

However, international destinations in tropical countries remain on people’s bucket lists. The risks and hassles associated with long-distance travel have people starting with baby steps. More people have also begun to pay closer attention to small local communities to support and help through these challenging times.

The flashy travel destinations have taken a backseat for more relaxed and tranquil vacation spots. Reflected also in smaller niche destinations gaining popularity compared to the more traditional tourist destinations. They are trying to avoid large crowds when possible to help reduce feelings of anxiety and over-exposure.

airplane pilot


Another noticeable change to the travel industry has been how we travel. Airlines worldwide took a considerable hit to their bottom lines as flights were canceled left and right. This wasn’t just the case for airlines but all manners of public transportation. Being forced into an enclosed space that you had to share with other people had a lot of people’s anxiety on high alert.

Despite the difficult financial situations the pandemic caused, we saw an increase in both new and used car sales. The luxury of having a means of transportation that allowed you to be still able to distance yourself socially became a priority. Even as most households needed to build garages and carports, these costs were offset by the benefits of having your own car. Road trips became the go-to for people to start traveling again. Getting out of the house while still feeling safe in your environment became a priceless pursuit for many people.


As people spent more and more time indoors, we also went through a period of self-reflection and realization. Analyzing our effect on the environment became a hot topic for countries all across the globe. As carbon emissions from personal vehicles and other modes of transportation decreased, we realized the profound effect on our environment.

This realization caused us to come out of the pandemic prioritizing eco-friendly options for our purchases. These preferences also applied to our decisions related to traveling. Hotels and Airbnb’s that made a point to reduce the use of single-use plastics and advertised greener business practices saw more patronage.

These are just some aspects when traveling that have changed after the pandemic. Consumer behaviors remain erratic during this middle period in the new normal. The tourism industry continues to evolve and adapt to better service markets. They continue to prioritize the health and safety of their customers over their profit margins.

If you’ve been feeling cooped up and are deciding to take the leap and go on a vacation to decompress, a travel agent or agency may be your best bet. Professionals in the travel industry can help you navigate the constant changes and optimize your trip. They can also iron out your itinerary to provide you with a stress-free schedule that you can enjoy.

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